
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Finish Line Is In Sight

As often as there is an elevator and escalator in a public building I prefer the escalator; rarely do I choose waiting for an elevator.  Simply because in most buildings there is normally a wait before the elevator going any direction reaches the floor I am on.  Recently, I was in a building on the 4th floor and needed to return to the lobby three floors down. Because no one had previously selected a direction I approached the switch box to select the button, hoping that as a coincidence when I push the arrow for down, the light comes on and I hear that anticipated "ding."  So, I push the arrow.  No sound from the elevator, but the "ding" from the light-bulb coming on in my head was an exciting surprise! 
While continuing to wait for the ding of the elevator door, I contemplated using the escalator. I thought to myself, This will delay me for a moment but my destination isn't going anywhere, I will get there[the lobby]. Maybe not a major obstacle but when you're a strategic person as I am, with plans to execute[with precision] for a specific result, a door not responding to your immediate request is a challenge.  Nevertheless I waited.  Analyzing every second that passes.  Should I wait or did I make a mistake by not doing my usual uninterrupted protocol.  That's when I realized what made me decide to wait for the elevator arrow going down to illuminate.  I realized my patience was to be challenged; along with my judgement and how to approach an obstacle in the course of traveling to my destination. Besides, I figured as soon as I began to walk away, the down arrow would light up and the ding would frustrate me even the more for not just waiting.  At that precise moment the ding of the elevator "donged."

The elevator door not opening as I assumed it should presented me with the topic: challenges[interchanged throughout the remainder with obstacles].  I accredit the essence of this blog has my attempt to give a clear balanced perspective of pursuing a fulfilling creative lifestyle.  A creative lifestyle constitutes more than just daydreaming.  The centralized concept is the manifestation of creativity in all ares of daily life.  Being able to develop a thought -idea or concept- into its completed manifested stage.  Therein lies the "challenge." On the elevator I was able to brainstorm exactly how in depth I needed to go addressing obstacles has being a positive motivating factor in a creative lifestyle.
Some people are aware that reality television and its series are produced.  Not scripted; where anything can happen due to the nature of the created environment. The phenomenon[Reality TV] has been able to give fun, creative, and skillful ways of accomplishing anything or overcoming obstacles.  From dating or modeling, to costume design or becoming an executive,"... you have to pass this challenge to proceed to the next level!"  The successful completion is a prize worth the humiliation, sacrifice, training, and courage sometimes displayed in order to obtain victory.  The producers of reality television create lifestyles that are entertaining.  A participant knows the risk of being involved with the show prior to any taping.  Likewise; creating a personal fulfilling lifestyle is exciting, engaging, addicting and often a great learning experience as well.  If you are not in motion going anywhere there can be no obstacles.  
An obstacle course however, is one big challenge compiled of smaller challenges intended to keep performance to a minimum. It is the accomplishment awaiting you on the "other side" of the challenge that is important; motivating you into action.  Logically, successfully navigating an obstacle course is completing each challenge one at a time.  Similar to how a hurdler runs a race.
In order to obtain or maintain their title as hurdler, an athlete must complete the attempt of running, jumping, and landing over a hurdle or series of hurdles consistently. Without attempting each hurdle he or she is just an athlete/runner.  Always with the finish line in their sights; the challenge for them is to beat their best time.  Most times as a result of challenging themselves and coaching, a hurdler is able to compete against others on multiple levels.  A world class hurdler must compete at a higher level. Record a faster time against other athletes of the same caliber -on a much more significant stage; for a once in a lifetime history making opportunity.  
Knowledge and wisdom teaches that each minor challenge completed affirms and should boost confidence in the assurance of victory in a major challenge.  After each challenge there must be an analysis of your performance.  What did the obstacle reveal or confirm about you?  What strengths do you have and where is improvement needed?  Once completed, the results of how you managed an obstacle reveals your mentality.  The determination to conquer each challenge enables an opportunity to build character and experience needed to qualify for handling bigger challenges.  Often times the greater challenge is managing the thoughts & emotions equated with experiencing the unknown[after victory], rather than the challenge itself.
Life is just an obstacle course to your identity.  Address each aspect with knowledge, wisdom, and trust in yourself.  Sometimes the challenge is greater for some.  Those with determination, dedication, and discipline will run a good race and have victory in fulfillment.
By the time I arrived at the lobby(3 minutes after pressing the button) valuable lessons were learned about obtaining personal fulfillment.  I had learned to have more patience in allowing myself time to nurture and develop my creativity.  Not to worry about my method of delivery. Also not to be overly concerned about time during my creative process; because content will be manifested when needed.  Most importantly, to remember I have the Ability2Create.  Therefore the obstacles associated with my creative lifestyle become less difficult and more fun; assuring fulfillment at the end.  I can't promise you that I will always use an elevator for now on, but I do expect and welcome challenges.

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