
Friday, January 17, 2014

Looking Out The Window Of Success

This is the last time I will see this view.
The next time my eyes look towards this location I shall have to search for my footprints.  
My heart will forever remember the place that provided me rest.

A place where I could have decided to settle and make shelter.
A place that would have had visitors occasionally.

However, my destiny is beckoning me.
A voice in the wind of the hills is calling.

I shall go and engrave my markings in stone, where the upcoming spring heat can't melt them away.
This image will be a reminder of how far I traveled and why I also can't turn back.
Although cold & desolate-the memories associated with my journey- beginning at this point, will always bring warmth to my heart.

Therefore, I focus not on the snow covered banks near the simmering water.
Nor am I concerned with the threatening darkness of the unknown forest.
Instead my eyes gaze upon the glare shinning from the hazed covered mountain tops in the distance.
Considerably altitudes higher and degrees lower in temperature than where I am,  yet the Peak of Success is the place of my heart's contentment.

The place of well deserved peacefulness; with all its luxurious surrounding area.

It is because of this motivating thought I decided to capture this moment- looking out the window to success.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Finish Line Is In Sight

As often as there is an elevator and escalator in a public building I prefer the escalator; rarely do I choose waiting for an elevator.  Simply because in most buildings there is normally a wait before the elevator going any direction reaches the floor I am on.  Recently, I was in a building on the 4th floor and needed to return to the lobby three floors down. Because no one had previously selected a direction I approached the switch box to select the button, hoping that as a coincidence when I push the arrow for down, the light comes on and I hear that anticipated "ding."  So, I push the arrow.  No sound from the elevator, but the "ding" from the light-bulb coming on in my head was an exciting surprise! 
While continuing to wait for the ding of the elevator door, I contemplated using the escalator. I thought to myself, This will delay me for a moment but my destination isn't going anywhere, I will get there[the lobby]. Maybe not a major obstacle but when you're a strategic person as I am, with plans to execute[with precision] for a specific result, a door not responding to your immediate request is a challenge.  Nevertheless I waited.  Analyzing every second that passes.  Should I wait or did I make a mistake by not doing my usual uninterrupted protocol.  That's when I realized what made me decide to wait for the elevator arrow going down to illuminate.  I realized my patience was to be challenged; along with my judgement and how to approach an obstacle in the course of traveling to my destination. Besides, I figured as soon as I began to walk away, the down arrow would light up and the ding would frustrate me even the more for not just waiting.  At that precise moment the ding of the elevator "donged."