
Friday, January 17, 2014

Looking Out The Window Of Success

This is the last time I will see this view.
The next time my eyes look towards this location I shall have to search for my footprints.  
My heart will forever remember the place that provided me rest.

A place where I could have decided to settle and make shelter.
A place that would have had visitors occasionally.

However, my destiny is beckoning me.
A voice in the wind of the hills is calling.

I shall go and engrave my markings in stone, where the upcoming spring heat can't melt them away.
This image will be a reminder of how far I traveled and why I also can't turn back.
Although cold & desolate-the memories associated with my journey- beginning at this point, will always bring warmth to my heart.

Therefore, I focus not on the snow covered banks near the simmering water.
Nor am I concerned with the threatening darkness of the unknown forest.
Instead my eyes gaze upon the glare shinning from the hazed covered mountain tops in the distance.
Considerably altitudes higher and degrees lower in temperature than where I am,  yet the Peak of Success is the place of my heart's contentment.

The place of well deserved peacefulness; with all its luxurious surrounding area.

It is because of this motivating thought I decided to capture this moment- looking out the window to success.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Finish Line Is In Sight

As often as there is an elevator and escalator in a public building I prefer the escalator; rarely do I choose waiting for an elevator.  Simply because in most buildings there is normally a wait before the elevator going any direction reaches the floor I am on.  Recently, I was in a building on the 4th floor and needed to return to the lobby three floors down. Because no one had previously selected a direction I approached the switch box to select the button, hoping that as a coincidence when I push the arrow for down, the light comes on and I hear that anticipated "ding."  So, I push the arrow.  No sound from the elevator, but the "ding" from the light-bulb coming on in my head was an exciting surprise! 
While continuing to wait for the ding of the elevator door, I contemplated using the escalator. I thought to myself, This will delay me for a moment but my destination isn't going anywhere, I will get there[the lobby]. Maybe not a major obstacle but when you're a strategic person as I am, with plans to execute[with precision] for a specific result, a door not responding to your immediate request is a challenge.  Nevertheless I waited.  Analyzing every second that passes.  Should I wait or did I make a mistake by not doing my usual uninterrupted protocol.  That's when I realized what made me decide to wait for the elevator arrow going down to illuminate.  I realized my patience was to be challenged; along with my judgement and how to approach an obstacle in the course of traveling to my destination. Besides, I figured as soon as I began to walk away, the down arrow would light up and the ding would frustrate me even the more for not just waiting.  At that precise moment the ding of the elevator "donged."

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Is There a Method to the Madness?

With today being the eve of the new year 2014 it is safe to say that the past is behind us and your life story could be future generation's history lessons.  Have you ever thought of yourself as a genius?  An even better question would be where did all the divine madness go?
Are we at a stand still with innovative thinking, just waiting for technology to evolve?  Liberal art programs are being cut from schools and libraries are closing.  Yet there is a demand for innovative thinking in the workplace as STEM suggests.  Throughout history those with skills in the arts were used to share what was going on in different parts of the world and inspired creativity.  Now, with consideration of globalism be positive, the world is doing the same thing, at the same rate, and at the same time.  Need not to worry, we are going Back to the Future.  
From ancient Africa to our modern globalized society, the creative geniuses have not failed us yet.  Although, sometimes society has failed those with Openness/Intellect; or is it the fact that the majority of those making significant marks in history are considered schizotypy?
For example; John Dryden, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Isaac Newton, Beethoven, Thelonious Monk, Vincent van Gogh, Nikola Telsa, Tupac Shakur, and John Nash all had psychological struggles.  Poets are more likely to commit suicide.  Drug abuse is common and creative geniuses are also often associated with having Bipolar disorders.  Researchers  have come to the conclusion that the psyche of peculiar people are more likely to develop due to childhood trauma they experienced.
The definition of genius, as argued by scholars, has to be redefined to include women and people of color. In fact there are more geniuses than science has predicted living within our population. 
Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D. states in The Creative Post that "while not necessarily mad, creative minds are often chaotic, untethered and unhinged.  These thought processes enable a creative person to bring together lots of seemingly disparate streams of information in a unique way not immediately obvious to those grounded in "reality.""
In most recent news Kanye West proclaimed "I am a creative genius."  It's great to see his passion for his craft (producing, performing, fashion, film, graphic design, etc.., and to watch as his main stream success does not undermine him as an individual contributor to American innovation.  Instead Kanye's madness enables his name to become associated with a "mad man" like Galileo; who wasn't insane at all.  DONDA, Kanye's newest venture is quite genius; a corporate structured agency with at least 22 divisions, some of which I previously mentioned.

Dwayne "Lil Wayne" Carter III, is president and CEO of profitable companies combined together to manage an expected 100 performing artists.  Lil Wayne doesn't write lyrics on paper; instead he memorizes his countless hits. He plays guitar in his rock band, recently added professional skateboarding to his resume, and records albums and promo music simultaneously.  All Mr. Carter creativity is happening on a nearly 247 365 day basis, for at least the past 20 years.  Lil' Wayne has also managed to study psychology at the University of Houston but due to his schedule a swarming fans he has altered to finishing his Master Degree online.  
The late creative genius Steve Jobs became famous after his genius was manifested with Apple Inc. and his innovative thinking in developing technology.  I chose Kanye West and Lil' Wayne because of their celebrity and the unmistakable evidence of their display of genius at work. Is there a method to the madness; yes, it's creativity.
"There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman think he is sane.  I know I am mad"-Salvador Dali.  I blame my madness for attempting to handle such a broad topic as the psychology of creativity in one post.  I am more concerned providing you with thought provoking information.
Click the links in this post for detailed articles and studies that cover the chaotic phenomenon in depth.
Videos:Creativity and Madness 
            Genius or Madness?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Invest in Yourself and Take Stockholder Control: Become a Dream Chaser

 "I'm not much of a math and science guy. I spent most of my time in school daydreaming and managed to turn it into a living." -George Lucas
Unlike our sleep deprived delusional dreams of the night, Merriam Webster defines the term [daydream] as pleasant thoughts about your life or future that you have while you are awake.
Haven't you ever had a dreamy episode that seemed to take you on a journey? Everything about it: adventurous, logical, and realistic; or even better, attainable. If not, I double dog dare you to dream!
With a consistent hope and perseverance that motivates you into action. Become a dream chaser!

Don't second guess yourself; go further than you've gone before.
Free to pursue the desires of your heart.
Expect challenges; be confident that you are well equipped barring the necessary tools to manage the undertaken.
Use experience patiently to construct without "cutting corners," which ensures the integrity of the completed project. Therefore; you can appreciate your effort and the venture is valued beyond your years.
Be creative during planning and dedicated to meet the deadline. Determined and disciplined with your actions producing results that lead to your success.
Completing all phases; from blueprint design to the materialization of your vision.
Advance your profession: having obtained experience managing the projects of your life has qualified you with skills for this moment. Make an investment in yourself and take stockholder control, becoming the developer of your life; mogul of your industry or master of your craft!
Remain focused by ignoring distractions and realize while you are occupied with the details of your dream, you are evolving as well. Improving as a person; growing in knowledge, wisdom, and gratitude for your journey in life.

Considering how fast technology is advancing and the multiple marketable styles of some gadgets, George Lucas is a daydream believer who has become an iconic influence for generations.   

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An Empty Conch Shell in the Park

Everything is quiet yet I continue to hear sounds; 
of vibrant life amplified- intended to put me back in a place where nothings around.
The five senses are amazing; without the ability to hear, vibration can be felt through the ground.
Ironic, that in some instances we find peace of mind with something soothing for us to hear.
The noise of big city life; honking horns, pitter-patter of foot traffic, and the flow of cars give my heart the rhythm of life pulsating in my ear.
The orchestra of nature; leaves swayed by the wind. Birds in the park chirping pitches patterned together and creates a song in the end.
"I can't hear myself think;" when I need to drown out all influential surroundings.
This is the melody, the joy that life brings!